Friday, 19 August 2011

Health&Fitness: 123BeeHealthy Tag!

So in addition to the million other series I've started, I'm also starting a health and fitness series! But this will be ongoing throughout..a long time. So the post will be pretty random :) I'm pretty into health and fitness, I've kinda got off track over the summer but I'm getting into it again since school is starting soon and the fall rowing season is fast approaching! :o (eep). This is a quick tag I found, and I really wanted to do it (this is awkward cause I've never been tagged for any of the tags I'm putting up :P ohh welllll). I'm going to go by what my workout routine will be as soon as rowing season starts (practically next week :o except add a week to that....) just cause it's more exciting :)
So here are the questions:


Why do you workout?
I workout to feel and look good, to keep in shape and to get gold medals..:)

Describe your current workout routine.
Rowing/Cardio usually 6 mornings a week, strength training 2 or 3 times a week (usually 2 :P) and I try to do at least 15-20 minutes or yoga or stretching at the end of everyday (but I don't always)

Do you enjoy working out?
Yes :) Obviously there are days where I don't want to workout, but usually I love it :)

What is your favorite form of exercise?
Cardio (I would say running, but I haven't ran in agessssss), because I can zone out and listen to my iPod

What is your least favorite form of exercise?
Erging (rowing machines). I think almost everyone who rows hates it :P 

Do you listen to your music when you workout? What's on your playlist?
Usually, not while I'm erging/rowing cause it messes up the rhythm and my technique but when I'm doing anything else, the music is my favorite part :P I'm going to do a whole post on my playlist soon :)

What is your exercise philosophy. "I think exercise should bee _____"I think exercise should be..e enjoyable and rewarding and something you love to do :)


Are you a person who eats healthily? 
I try to, but not always :P

Do you diet/count calories?
I'm not super intense about it, but I write down everything I eat and the approximate amount of calories/fat

Which foods are your staple items?
peanut butter, protein shakes, diluted orange juice (for electrolytes), BREAD <3, and popcorn :)

Are there any foods that you try to avoid?
not really...I try to moderate sweets and processed/junk foods but I'll have them sometimes

About how many times per day do you eat?
Probably 5..cause I eat a small breakfast before and after morning workouts (slightly bigger after) and then a snack between lunch and dinner...sometimes only 3 times though

Agree or disagree: Say True or False and Why you feel the way you do (all opinion) 

1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Completely true! Cause food gives you energy and you need energy at the beginning of the day not the end

2. To lose weight or maintain weight loss, you need to cut carbohydrates.
Absolutely not. I hate when people say to cut out all fats and carbs -_- (it wont get you very far...)

3. It is bad to eat late at night. 
I'd say true....but it's not horrible, you don't need energy late at night and fat may form while your sleeping, but once in a while it doesn't really matter

Stress Management

1. How do you relieve stress?
Intense cardio or by taking a nap :) (opposites...)

2. Have you ever tried yoga? Do you like it?
I took a 10 week class last year, and did it a bit in gym class this year so I don't know a lot about it but I try to do at least simple yoga followed by stretching as often as I can..

3. Do you keep a journal?
I'm assuming this means a fitness journal? I record erg times and stuff and foods but thats it :)

Hope you enjoyed! :)

   ~pinkbeautylove <3


  1. i love to erg, just saying :) its sorta my calling

  2. nice. maybe you should join the rowing team! oh wait......
