I got this Image here: http://www.photolizer.com/images.php?design=Furniture/Locker (:
I'm Going to start at the very back of this picture and make my way up :)
- A hoodie/sweater/cardigan in a fairly neutral colour. If your school is anything like mine, it gets absolutely FREEZING from around October to April, and some classes area a lot colder than others. So if one day I don't dress warmly enough and I accidently walk into a refrigerator (ie. my math class) it's really nice to have a warm sweater in my locker. <3
- A magnetic mirror.
- Folding flats in a matching bag :). I got these from the gap, but there's a million other companies that make them too! I love these for when I'm breaking in new shoes and the blisters get unbearable, or for in the winter when my boots get really slushy and gross and I don't want to sit through class with wet squeeky boots.
- Minimergency kit! I have a blog post with what's in mine here: http://xpinkbeautylovex.blogspot.com/2011/08/back-to-school-whats-in-my-homemade.html
- Make-up kit! Whats in mine? http://xpinkbeautylovex.blogspot.com/2011/08/back-to-school-whats-in-my-school-make.html
- Glasses. I don't normally wear my glasses, but sometimes I need them for reading really small font or overheads. Plus I promised my mom that this year I'd wear them more :P So I'll need them easily accessible for those times I need them.
- Body butter or lotion. I have really, really dry skin, and I can't stand the feeling of itchy dry skin so I always have a small body butter in a really yummy scent :)
- A locker organizer with extra school supplies. I keep pens and pencils in mine in case I run out in my normal pencil care, but I also keep things I wont need for every day, but might come in handy if I'm staying after school working on a project :) (like scissors and tape!)
And other than binders and stuff (which I'll probably show in a later blog post, that's pretty much it! Hope you enjoyed!
~pinkbeautylove <3
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